Björn was born and raised in the mountains of western Härjedalen. He is a true snow fox with considerable experience of survival and adventure in the Scandinavian wilderness and the Arctic.

Björn's philosophy of life
“Capture the positive in your environment, laugh, live, trust your own judgement.”
Björn has adventure in his blood and has carried out a great number of trips to Svalbard and Alaska. Björn has substantial experience working with people in different trades. In fact, he was only six years old when he began to guide visitors, who were renting his parents’ cabins, on trout fishing trips. His pedagogical skills and strong personal engagement combined with sensitivity and a lot of humor are what make Björn’s arrangements an unforgettable experience for the participants.
Björn possesses the ability to make stressed, modern people see the environment from a new perspective. He is adopted by North America’s most recently discovered people (1949), the Nunamiut, the world’s only inland Eskimo. Björn lives with them during part of the year and acquires basic insights about life and survival that he then uses for his own work.